We Build What Inspires You!

Start with A Great Foundation We Build!

Build Core specializes in design-build sustainable construction projects in Calgary, Alberta. Our firm aims for structural simplicity building a timeless masterpiece.


and Interior Design

The Environment

and Engineering

We Give the Modern Architect with Innovation!

Experts with Experience

The Three pillars of success in building are Consult, Design, Engineer, and make products for home, entertainment industry, architecture, robotics, technology and industrial sectors.

Design Development

Design is a process of generating ideas and concepts to address the client's needs.

General Contracting

Construction is the process of translating these ideas into physical structures that can be built.

Pre-Construction Planning

Operation is all about how buildings operate after they have been constructed.

Design / Build

We Build What Inspires You.We Give the Modern Architect with Innovation.

The architects at Build Core has to be in tune with the client, understand their vision, and be able to visualize what they want to achieve. They have to be able to articulate that vision effectively, so that it can be translated into an architectural design that is practical, functional, and beautiful.

We Integrate Your Design with Satisfaction!

We design every aspect of a space with an attractive and unique feel

We make a clear understanding of what our client needs, and what they are willing to pay for.

Keep up with the latest trends in architecture. Architecture is constantly evolving as new technologies come out, so it’s important to stay up-to-date.

A team at Build Core that you can trust and rely on for support in the long run.


We are planning multiple projects.

Build Core is a general contracting company in Calgary, Alberta, Canada that offers building solutions from the beginning to the end. 

Get in Touch

If you’ve got questions or ideas you would like to share, send a message. For anything more specific, please use one of the addresses listed below.

2015, 4231, 109 Ave NE, Calgary – T3N2B1 Alberta

Let's Talk About Your Project

After we get some information from you, we’ll set up a time to discuss your project in further detail.

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